Buch: Enough! A Companion Guidebook

Ein Buch voller Übungen, Praktiken, Meditationen, Gruppen- und Einzelanleitungen zur Erweckung, Erinnerung und Verwirklichung von Genug-Wahrnehmung auf allen Ebenen:
Ich bin genug – Wir sind genug – Ich habe genug – Wir haben genug – Genug.

„Ich liebe deine Tonglen-Meditation auf you-tube und lese Enough! mit Begeisterung!“

Basierend auf dem Buch ‚Enough! How to Liberate Yourself and Transform the World with Just One Word‘ von Laurie McCammon kamen im Frühling 2015 neun Expertinnen für Kreiskultur und unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen zusammen, um sich mit diesem Thema intensiv auseinanderzusetzen. Es entstand der Wunsch, mit anderen zu teilen, wie wohltuend, friedenstiftend und nährend Genug ist. Das Companion Guidebook entstand in einem co-kreativen Schöpfungsprozess mit der Vision, dass viele Menschen die mehr als einhundert Übungen für sich persönlich und in Kreisen verwenden, um sich mit der Wahrheit von ‚Ich bin genug – Wir sind genug – Ich habe genug – Wir haben genug‘ wieder zu verbinden, um die Wahrnehmung von Genug wieder zu erwecken und zu einer guten Welt für alle beizutragen.

„Thank you Katharina. The exercise was transformative for me. I was dick and in low energy until you lead us into Bliss. You are a brilliant light!“

Enough is not only a word or a paradigm. It is the cosmic abundance itself. The heart of All. And the deep soul contentment that comes along with it. This is exactly what we appreciated most in our co-creation of the Companion Guidebook: Nine wonderful co-authors have contributed out of their giftedness, inspiration, gratitude and abundance of medicine. With this book you are not only holding a Companion Guidebook in your hands, but a gift that was born out of enjoyment, the magic of circle, and the joyous way women love to create. That is what makes this guidebook so special.

„Dear sister, I just started my day doing your beautiful meditations. Thank you so much, in gratitude.“

The guidebook contains not only a 100+ hands-on excellent exercises and practices but the whole depth, bliss and co-creative joy of nine women diving deeply into Enough, becoming and being it. We want furthermore the world to know that Enough is an active decision to take. It is not something to wish or to hope for. It is the truth of All in our Cosmos and must be consciously re-membered and realized. This is the gift of the book. It contains practices to enjoy, celebrate and savor Enough as a whole body, mind, heart and soul experience. To become and be Enough and by that spread the good message of truth: ‘I am enough! – I have enough! – We are enough! – We have enough! – Enough!’ and ignite and rekindle the truth in our world. Heart by heart. Together we rise. We know what we are speaking of and want YOU to experience this as well!

„It was wonderful to sit in circle with Katharina as facilitator. Katharina is loving, compassionate and sincere and her voice is soothing and full of spirit.  I am very grateful.“

„This wonderful book is a truly on-the-edge-into-the-new-paradigm guide. We all have a deep longing for being enough and having enough and in this book we remember that we ARE enough and that there IS enough. It is an eye opener and a heart reminder of our truth and the truth of our world. It brings peace to the restless mind and joy to the heart, it reconnects us with our soul’s abundance and makes clear that all we need is already there and had there been only waiting for us to awake and realize. Liberating ourselves from every single not-enough-feeling is the human awakening into our brilliant radiant light of love, peace and ease. This book is a compass on this way. Thank you so much!“

„Katharina is fully present, a sweet siren. I would love to participate in more visualizations with her.“

Neun Expertinnen für Kreiskultur, Einzel- und Gruppentherapie, Seminarleiterinnen, Künstlerinnen, Autorinnen, Beraterinnen und Coaches führen in diesem Praxisbuch ihre kraftvollsten Werkzeuge zu diesem Thema zusammen.

„Katharina is deeply patient and held the intention and tone of the workshop from beginning to conclusion. Her melodic voice was alluring and steady. The elegant visualizations were safe to receive and easy to flow within.“

Eight women’s circle experts and one wellness expert have co-created the definitive guide to recovering the truth: You are enough and have enough. 100+ hands-on activities for individuals and groups to activate powerful breakthroughs in self-love, healing, relationships, money, empowerment, resilience, trust, community-building and more. Based on the groundbreaking book, ‚Enough! How to Liberate Yourself and Transform the World with Just One Word‘, the guide takes you on a deep dive into your life-long (and humanity’s millennia-long) upside-down relationship with the word „enough,“ a group delusion that is the root of all dysfunction, from personal to planetary. By confronting the untruths you have ingested about not being enough and not having enough, you liberate not only your own hidden power, potential and purpose, but you catalyze humanity’s conscious evolution.

„Katharina’s beautiful, calm, loving voice and sitting in circle with my Sisters. I deeply appreciate her willingness to share her talents and the time and effort she spent putting this together for us.“

Der volle Erlös des Buches fließt Gather the Women Global Matrix™zu.
Gather the Women ist eine weltweite Schwesternschaft, die Frauen verbindet, indem sie in Kreisen zusammenkommen und zu einer verbundenen, lebensunterstützenden und friedvollen Welt beitragen. Frauen aller Himmelsrichtungen, Kulturen, Traditionen, Länder, Altersstufen, Hautfarben, Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen stehen Hand in Hand, Herz an Herz und Schulter an Schulter, bekräftigen und ermutigen einander, sich in ihrer ganzen Größe, Würde, Schönheit, Weisheit und Kraft zu zeigen. Sie stehen gemeinsam ein und auf für eine friedvolle, verbundene und lebensunterstützende Welt. www.gatherthewomen.org

„Katharina’s heart always leads her intentions and this was felt during her entire presentation.“

Das Buch kann bestellt werden
– bei Amazon.de(demnächst auch im ebook-Format) oder
– direkt bei Laurie McCammon

Donna Ahlstrand, Dorothy Rowdy Brewick, Katharina Sebert, Laurie McCammon, Linda Sechrist, Lorraine Lima, Mary Morrill Cunningham, Suzan Nolan und Tu Bears

„I believe that Katharina was brought to this earth plane to offer this type of meditation to others to assist in the healing of humanity.“

Die neun Federn auf dem Buchcover repräsentieren die neun Co-Autorinnen und das Prinzip des co-kreativen Kreises, aus dem heraus das Buch entstanden ist.

„I believe these types of meditations are powerful on multi-levels, both conscious (what we believe they might be accomplishing) and unconscious.“ 

By Katharina Sebert, co-author of the Enough Companion Guidebook.
The Tonglen Heart Breathing Exercise is Activity 2.8 in the Guidebook:

By Katharina Sebert, co-author of the Enough Companion Guidebook.
The Love Breathing Exercise is Activity 2.9 in the Guidebook:

By Katharina Sebert, co-author of the Enough Companion Guidebook.
The Ho’oponopono Ceremony is Activity 3.13 in the Guidebook:

Guided Meditation with Music – A relaxing multimedia experience of the Enough Work by Laurie McCammon, Music: „Gifts of Light“ by Nadama and Shastro on the Reiki Offering CD:

Listen to: No.1 Way to Change the World? Join a Women’s Circle!
Laurie McCammon explains how joining a women’s circle is the single most important thing you can do right now to become resilient in these troubled times, to empower yourself, and to transform the world into a better place for all. The recovery of feminine power in ourselves and the world is THE transformational force that will bring a New Story for all humanity.

Now is the time. TOGETHER WE RISE! – Download a free guide to starting a circle at http://www.GatherTheWomen.org

Empfehlenswert zur Vertiefung:
„Enough! – How to Liberate Yourself and Remake the World with Just One Word“ von Laurie McCammon:

Do you, like so many of us, believe that you will never have enough time, money, talent, or love to be truly happy? Do you think you’re not good enough, not rich enough or thin enough or smart enough, to have the life you want? Or that the problems in your community and the world around you could be solved if only there were more to go around? Everywhere, all the time, we get this message that there is something lacking, something more, something better to strive for.

In fact, the idea that there isn’t enough or you aren’t enough is so deeply ingrained in us and into our culture that it holds sway over pretty much every aspect of our lives, from how we perceive our self-worth and our skills as parents, friends, and partners  (I am not enough) to the ways in which we are taught and governed.

But what if it’s a lie? Author and activist Laurie McCammon wrote this book to show you that it is all a lie. Discover how your own never-enough thinking has been limiting you and how to challenge it in all the places it lurks. Let Laurie show you how to develop a sense of enoughness that can change not only how you feel about yourself but how you view time, your relationships, your work, and the possibilities for helping to shape a better world.
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